Angus O’Loughlin - Creator of ‘From Your Pocket’

“Everybody has an idea for a podcast but most aren’t brave enough to speak it let alone allow people to listen”

Who We Are

'From Your Pocket Productions' is a one-of-a-kind podcast platform that elevates your ideas to the greatest levels of audio and visual execution.

Our decades of professional storytelling are here at your disposal to create the best structure, balance and authenticity for your brand. If you hold your story to a level above your competitors then we believe we are the right fit for you.


Angus O'Loughlin has worked in the entertainment industry for 15 years, including TV, radio, and podcasts. In addition to years of content development, he has over 20,000 hours of audio editing and digital asset creation under his belt.

After 13 years with the Southern Cross Austereo network working on some of radio's largest shows, including National Nights, Capital City Breakfast Radio, and National Weekends. In 2022 he steps away to focus on new and evolving podcast programmes.

"After years of telling my life story on the radio, I realised I didn't own any of it! It was actually owned and monetized by someone else. I wanted to focus on quality rather than quantity, telling a tale because I wanted to, not because I had to. This company will help share a distinct group's identity in their own way, not just my stories. I'm here to assist in making it happen and being heard." - Angus O'Loughlin


After completing her Advanced Diploma of Screenwriting at RMIT and receiving the Australian Writers Guild’s award for Outstanding Student performance 2020, Amelia jump started her career by producing two national radio shows with Southern Cross Austereo.

With a passion and history of narrative storytelling, as well as creative development, Amelia moved into the podcasting world in 2022 utilising her skills in editing, communicating and delivering emerging content.

Amelia brings an incredible perspective to podcast format storytelling and is forging her own path and narrative as a leader in this space.